Here come the girls..............................!
Last week I had a booking from three ladies, although I normally only book for two, these three were so keen to come for a lesson together that I gave in - what a day!! Hilary had turned before so she was happy to stand back for a little while as I set up Amelia and Ellen initially to turn their own bowls! Hilary was asking about the suitability of her gouges (which she had brought with her) sharpening and loads of other questions which I hope I answered to her satisfaction along with some general advice- she also turned her own bowl as you can see! Lovely day girls, I enjoyed the company and you were all a pleasure to instruct with some good banter along the way! Hope to see you all returning soon!

Here is what Hilary said in her review:-
I have spent a very enjoyable day in Andy's workshop with my sister in law. We both made bowls. Andy was helpful and informative. Woodturning was not new to me but I have come away with a renewed enthusiasm, some new skills and a whole host of ideas. My husband has his head in his hands at the endless ideas. I will be booking agin for sure. Thanks again for the teas too. Hilary Handley